Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ancel Glink Co-Sponsors an Event on Police Use of Deadly Force – It’s a Workplace Issue Too

As officials in Ferguson, MO, New York City and likely many other cities around the nation might report, a community uprising about police practices, especially deadly force,  isn’t just a public safety and public relations issues – it’s a workplace issue too. Police officers look to their employer for support when conflict arises in the community and new methods of providing public safety and accountability fall largely on the officers to implement – with potentially good and possibly bad consequences.  For instance, while cameras worn by patrol officers are a great idea in theory, the concept raises a whole host of training, monitoring and discipline issues for union and non-union employees alike.  Municipal employers can join attorneys from Ancel Glink, the General Counsel of the Fraternal Order of Police, the Illinois Municipal League and the Illinois Chiefs of Police on March 5th  in a seminar addressing this timely topic, from crisis response, to liability, training and union issues, to name a few.  Register now, as space is limited. See below for more information:


Police Deadly Force Events:  How Municipal Officials Should Prepare and Respond
March 5, 2015, Doubletree Inn, Bloomington, IL.

Jointly sponsored by the Illinois Municipal League, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and Ancel Glink, this one-day seminar brings together mayors, municipal managers, police administrators and attorneys to discuss issues which may arise from a controversial case of police use of deadly force. Topics to be covered include: training, transparency and accountability, crisis management and the law, community and media relations, leadership by elected officials, supporting the rank and file, and use of new technology. Recent events have shown that a crisis can occur in any community at any time. Listen to the experts and learn what steps to take so that your community doesn't go up in flames and your police officers don't turn their backs on their leaders.

Organizational Accountability and
Transparency in Police Departments
Accountability and the Law
Luncheon Speaker: Public Expectations
and Political Realities
Leadership in Extreme Events
Supporting the Rank and File
Dealing With the Media

Registration Fee $95. Click here for registration information.