At issue was the Plaintiffs’ claim that they routinely received email messages while they were off duty on their BlackBerrys to which they were expected to respond. They also claimed that an unwritten policy existed in the Department that officers did not ask for overtime for this kind of work off duty.
In support of their argument, Plaintiffs offered a 2010 general order (issued after the suit was filed, but assumedly documented a previous unwritten policy) which stated that the BlackBerrys were issued for the convenience of the officers and that the general guideline was that members would not be paid for performing off-duty BlackBerry work unless on a call-back assignment or specifically directed and authorized by a supervisor to perform the overtime work. Plaintiffs claimed that they often received messages from fellow officers on pending investigations which required immediate response for which they did not obtain prior approval to do.
Fortunately for the City, the Department also has a long standing policy which required officers to submit “time due” slips in order to be paid overtime. It is from these slips that overtime or compensatory time is calculated.
The 7th Circuit noted that while the FLSA has a strict rule that employees must be paid for work that the employer “suffered or permitted, that rule “stops short of requiring the employer to pay for work it did not know about, and had no reason to know about.” The employer’s knowledge can be either actual or constructive and an employer has constructive knowledge of an employee’s work if it should have acquired knowledge of that work through reasonable diligence.
Smaller employers should be cautioned though, that courts would likely hold them to a more stringent standard. It is important for employers to have policies which require prior approval for overtime work, an easy mechanism to report overtime worked and regular certification (we suggest every pay period) by the employee that they have reported all time worked. Adherence to these guidelines will reduce surprise claims.